





A nursing home refers to a medical institution composed of medical staff. Within a certain range, a nursing home is a medical institution that provides medical care, rehabilitation promotion, end-of-life care, and other services for long-term bedridden patients, late stage palliative treatment patients, chronic disease patients, elderly people who cannot take care of themselves, and other patients who require long-term nursing services. A medical institution that provides basic and specialized care for long-term bedridden elderly patients, disabled individuals, end-of-life patients, terminally ill patients, and other elderly patients in need of medical care. It provides supportive treatment, palliative care, hospice care, disinfection and isolation technology guidance, community elderly care, nutritional guidance, psychological counseling, health education, and other elderly medical care services according to medical advice.
The concept of elderly care services can be traced back to the late 1960s in the United Kingdom. At the beginning, elderly care services were relative to hospitals, and people referred to nursing homes as nursing homes, also known as hospices or end-of-life care homes. By the 1960s, Britain had entered the elderly society, and more than half of the country's medical expenses and hospital beds were occupied by elderly people. In July 1967, Dr. Sanders of England founded St. Christopher's Hospital for the first time in the southeast of Hiddenham, providing comprehensive professional services to terminally ill patients. Dr. Sanders is referred to as the "saint who ignited the global torch of end-of-life care", and St. Christopher's Hospital is also regarded as a model for end-of-life care institutions around the world.


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