购买前选择净化器要有针对性 |
添加时间:2018/10/30 16:06:41 浏览次数: |
Select the purifier before buying to be targeted
All air purifiers are targeted for purification of pollutants. Different principles of air purifier technology have certain advantages, but there are still some limitations. Some experts believe that, according to the removal function, the air purifier in the market is divided into physical, chemical and ionized types at present.
The physical type is the removal of suspended particles by filtering, which is generally applicable to remove particles.
Chemical type is the use of neutralization, catalysis and decomposition to remove harmful gases.
Ionization type is the use of electrical discharge, plasma and ultraviolet deodorization, killing bacteria.
When the family chooses air purification equipment, we must first determine the purify purpose, which is to purify the pollutants. If the aim is mainly for fine particles PM2.5, we must choose an effective purifier for PM2.5 to reduce indoor haze pollution.
What are the main pollutants in the indoor air? Generally, it can be understood and preliminarily judged by air sampling. The literature shows that the main pollution factors in the indoor residential areas are benzene, formaldehyde, smoked smoke, cooking oil smoke and fine particulate matter PM2.5.
The index of energy efficiency should be paid attention to three high and one low.
根据国家标准化委员会发布的国家标准《空气净化器》(GB/T 18801-2015),一台真正有效的空气净化器要做到:
According to the national standard "air purifier" issued by the National Standardization Committee (GB/T 18801-2015), a truly effective air purifier should be done:
Gao Jie clearance air volume: clean air volume (CADR) is an indicator of purifiers purification efficiency. The greater the CADR value, the stronger purifier's purification ability is, the better the purification effect is.
High accumulative purification: the higher the accumulative purification value, the more pollutants to be purified, the longer the lifespan of the filter.
High energy efficiency: the higher the high energy efficiency, the more electricity is saved.
Low noise volume: the noise of the instrument is generally lower than 50 decibels, which is relatively quiet.
In addition, some purification technologies may produce ozone, and ozone has a fishy smell, which can be used as a reference index. Excess ozone is harmful to the human body.
For air purifier to achieve purification effect, we must continue to open a certain time according to the room area, purifier power and purification efficiency, so as to effectively reduce the pollution level of indoor pollutants. In the purchase, we should pay attention to the product instructions. In general, the inspection reports or certificates issued by the air purification effect inspection unit are noted in the product instructions. A product that is too simple or even to be absolute is to be purchased carefully without giving the experimental conditions. |
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